Ecofriendly Fireworks

Producing environmentally friendly fireworks is crucial for minimizing environmental impact. Non-toxic materials, biodegradability, and low-noise options help reduce pollution and disturbance. It's an opportunity for us to contribute to a greener future while preserving the beauty of celebrations.

Minimizing Our
Carbon Footprint

As a responsible fireworks company, we understand the significance of minimizing our carbon footprint. We strive to adopt sustainable practices through out our operations. This is the average or CO2 produced by a single person throughout 12 months.

No Debris &
Low Smoke

We replaced all the internal plastic parts of the fireworks with combustibles materials that burns during the shooting resulting in a zero debris show. Thanks to our research we reduced also the amount of smoke produced during the shooting for a better quality show.

Safety and

Innovation at the service of safety and environment. We worked hard to improve safety for both pyrotechnicians and audience and we developed an ignition system without powder which is good as well for environment reducing the powder used for the whole product.


Reducing plastic is an achievement that has to be chased also on a single man routine, we then replaced water plastic bottles in our shows setup and offices with metal reusable bottles.

Innovation for Spectacular Shows
